Robot Overlords
Robot Overlords (2014)

Robot Overlords

(67 голосов)


Aктерский состав

Театральная касса

3 May 2015 UK GBP 10,697
3 May 2015 UK GBP 184 2
26 April 2015 UK GBP 264 2
19 April 2015 UK GBP 419 1 screen
12 April 2015 UK GBP 40 2
5 April 2015 UK GBP 616 16
29 March 2015 UK GBP 4,147 30


What did you expect with a title like "Robot Overlords"? Just can't figure out how Ben Kingsley and Gillian Anderson were coaxed into doing it.

Or something along those lines. Though to be fair, younger audiences won't care much about some of the downfalls of this movie and will probably cherish the young characters and the plot surrounding them.

When I discovered a copy of this British movie at my local library, I was intrigued because the British film industry seldom makes movies like this. But upon watching it, I found out why the UK film industry seldom makes movies like this.

A waste of time and I am surprised that Ben Kingsley has taken up such a role.

Robot Overloads is a film with an uneven tone aimed at teenagers and harking back to sci fi films of the 1960s. Comparisons have been made to Doctor Who, but that is lazy.

Never left a review but honestly if you are critiquing a film called robot overlords then I can imagine you leaving a food critic review for turd lasagne. At what point did you think a film called robot overlords would be a blockbuster, who do you think your helping!?

Aimed at the CBBC teen market, this reminds me of some kind of Terminator Salvation meets Tripods. (Ask someone 40 plus!

Start with a confession... it's really not a 10 star movie.

This was about what I expected from a small budget indie, decent special effects, acting etc., The robot liason creeped me out.
